Welcome, Consultants! We’re here to help make tax time a breeze! This site will allow you to access your 1099 and your Earnings Statement.
If this is the first time you’re visiting this site, you’ll need to create a user account. To create a new account, follow these easy steps:
You’ll then be directed to your account page where you will have the opportunity to change your mailing address, if appropriate. Then you will click on the link to download and view your 1099 tax form. You’ll also have the opportunity to change to receive your 1099 tax form by U.S. Mail. If there are corrections you can click on a link to submit them. There is also a link to click to change your password.
We’ve stored your information on a protected server and we’ll use SSN masking as permitted by the authorities on your tax form document. Rest assured, we’ve met the highest standards to keep your information safe! We’re here to take the trauma out of tax time!
Questions? Click here to contact Contact Consultant Support: 614-414-4438. at cags@thirtyonegifts.com. (Please do not include Social Security Numbers in emails.)
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